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The story of the Reverso begins in 1931. With its rectangular and reversible dial, simple and refined lines, and iconic gadroons, this Art Deco-style watch revolutionized the art of watchmaking. In what was then British India, it became the essential accessory for officers who enjoyed playing polo. In homage to this glorious past, the Reverso Tribute Small Seconds revives the codes of the first Reversos born in the thirties and their sumptuous colored dials. This new interpretation with a customizable reverse features a deeply intense green dial. On the wrist, this green shimmers with vibrant reflections under the light.
CASE-Stainless steel, Dimensions (L x W): 45.6 x 27.4 mm, Thickness: 8.5mm, WATER RESISTANCE-3 bar, DIAL-Appliqued hour-markers, Green, sunray-brushed, HANDS-Dauphines, STRAP-Leather, Green Interchangeable: Yes, Lug width: 20mm, Length 12h: 75mm, Length 6h: 120mm, BUCKLE- Double Folding Buckle, Stainless steel Buckle width: 18mm.