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PORTOFINO AUTOMATIC MOON PHASE - In 1984, IWC created the Portofino collection. The family was named after the idyllic village on the Italian coast, which became an exclusive holiday destination for the international jet-set during the 1950s and 1960s. Since that day, Portofino watches have successfully combined the ease of the Mediterranean lifestyle with a touch of glamour and elegance. The Portofino Automatic Moon Phase is the first Portofino timepiece with a case diameter of 40 millimetres that also features a moon phase display. Until now, this popular complication was only offered in 45 millimetres or 37 millimetres. This timepiece is housed in a classic stainless steel case. The golden moon set against the blue night sky creates a beautiful contrast to the silver-plated dial, as well as the gold-plated hands and appliques. This casual yet elegant watch is fitted with a hand-painted brown leather strap.